Planning & Programming

Front End Services

Tender Stage

At tender stage, we offer professional planning and programming services, focusing on ensuring sound, comprehensive and logical tender submissions. Greenwich Planning’s tender submissions include:

  • Tender Programme

  • Building Methodology Statement

  • Project CAD & Animation Services (2D, 3D, 4D)

Our Tender Programmes are produced to fully comply with the tender requirements and our clients’ instructions, using the highest standards to consider criticality, work breakdown structure (WBS), appropriate level of details and total coverage of project scope. Alternatively, a clients’ pre-existing submissions can also be revised and up-scaled.

Contract Stage

At contract stage, we offer an ‘upgrade’ of the tender programme to fully qualify as a Contract Programme. This approach maximises entitlements to Extensions of Time (EOTs) and minimises exposure to Liquidated Damages (LDs).

During Project Execution

During the execution of your project, we offer statusing and monitoring services to enable full understanding and control of your dynamic position. This is done through an Assessment of Progress Service. Throughout the project we also offer training services to your personnel. This training covers planning, programming and project controls and includes a range of resources outline each process.


 Front-end Services For Developers

  • Provide Tender advise for time-related matters

  • Review and assess Builders’ Tender Submissions

  • Provide Contract advise for time-related matters

  • Review and assess Contract Programmes

  • Prepare templates for assessment of Builders’ delay claims

  • Review and assess Status Programmes

 Front-end Services For Builders

  • Prepare Tender Submissions

  • Contract Review of time-related matters

  • Upgrade Tender Programme to Contract Programme

  • Prepare templates for Notices of Delay (NODs), Extension of Time (EOT) claims and NOD / EOT Register

  • Preparation of Target / Construction Programmes

  • Status of Contract and Target Programmes

  • Preparation of Short Term / Look Ahead Programmes

Typical Project Timeline

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